Dust-free sanding and surface sealing - house, Richmond

Family house sanding Richmond

This beautiful house with pretty garden has to be made with a shining floor. Our work is focused to keep the house out of dust during the sanding and use the finest varnishing, because it's on the first floor.

Really dust free sanding

You can see how clean is the room. We work here and in the same time the kitchen is clean. This means to protect the house and your family from unnecessary noise and dust.

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This wonderful restaurant is using the time to make a restoration of its flooring. It included reclaiming and gap filling. After the repair, we had...
This part of the restaurant includes flooring restoration with dark oak staining and matt lacquer finishing. It's was to make a renovation in...
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The flooring repair of this parquet required regular light sanding and gap filling. After that, we did finishing with matt lacquer Deva. The job took...
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Finest floor repair using light sanding, finishing and oiling. Finishing of kitchen floor. Recovered floor surface with higher protection.