Restoration and dark stain - apartment, Merton

Merton floor sanding

Wood floor sanding in Merton with finest sanding service, gap filling, skirting fixation, repair with nailing and reclaiming, staining with natural colour, and finishing with eco-friendly varnishing.

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This floor restoration was not so challenging, but it required precise filling of all gaps between the floorboards and the skirtings. The restoration...
The sanding of this house in Bromley is a very good example of how good are our experts. We did a lot of hard work to achieve excellent results,...
The hardwood floor had a lot of damages. It required special attention to some of the floorboards. For some of them, it was possible to repair the...
Our job is to make any parquet flooring to look amazing, and this project is not an exception. The living room of this house had many damages like...
The hardwood floor sanding had the intention to repair the floor and to change its colour with something fresh. It was a bit challenging to decide...
It was another hallway with tremendously damaged wood flooring. The restoration took more time than expected because we had to replace many...